Friday, July 08, 2011

and times they are a changing.........................not

Yes it has been long dear reader. Too long indeed. Much has changed and much has not since i last graced the bloggosphere. I have been proven right and i have been proven wrong on my predictions of the past 2 years but sadly i have been proven mostly right. Mark my words on this new prediction for i fear i might be right. There are any flaws with this country and there are but a few suitable solutions to the correct such flaws. The bersih crisis on the contrary of what most people might think is not a problem but merely a symptom of a much larger disease that has struck our beloved nation. So instead of digressing to the big picture of all things wrong with Malaysia in lieu of the current situation I find it appropriate to discuss this bersih "problem".

I must admit the last time bersih happened( ) in 2007 i was perhaps less wise and more naive than i am now which is arguably not the worse thing that could happen. If you read that article i posted in my youth then you could tell that i was once indeed the most vehement anti-BN and pro-democracy person you could know. What difference 4 years makes. If supported Bersih with such fervor 4 years ago then my objections to 2.0 is as equally as fervent.Do they have a just and noble cause? The answer is yes. Is this an effective and lasting way to achieve it or is this cause even worth fighting for? That my friends is extremely debatable. As i sit here very comfortably in my upper middle class suburb nursing mind you an extremely good dram of whisky, the mob that is Bersih are being unfortunately either arrested or shot at with water cannons and/or tear gas. And to what end? Do you think the EC or their paymasters BN will just throw their hands up and concede to change the electoral system that for so long has given them an advantage in the elections? Take the last Bersih rally for example was considered a watershed being the first time in a long time an occasion where the long polarized citizens stood up to the corrupt and weak government. It led a domino of street protest and the swinging of public popularity to the favor of the long beleaguered opposition parties culminating in the stunning 2008 political tsunami and ultimately the demise of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Many could consider it as a tipping point in terms of Malaysian political history but unfortunately I believe that many of you would concur with me that it was a mere candle in the wind. It burned bright, it burned strong but ultimately it burned short. If I were to go into detail how the civil activist and opposition parties failed to capitalize upon this momentum ,dear reader this blogpost could run into volumes upon volumes. It is needless to say that the current Malaysian political status quo has returned nearly to step one meaning we are back to the same situation we were pre-Bersih 2007. With this conclusion derived(its accuracy i am sure many will oppose) we must all face the reality that street protest such as BERSIH 2.0 which has detrimental social and economical effects upon not only KL but also Malaysia's reputation as a member of the international community to be futile in nature.

Bersih had made their demands known in 2007 and they were not met. A similar outcome is expected in 2011. So we have come to the end of BERSIH 2.0 and KL has returned to a sense of normalcy. The mob has had their fill of screaming anti-police and government vulgarities. Weather in reality or in cyberspace one can see the "shock" and "disgust" of police brutality when really only a naive fool would expect the police to play fair. Such is the apathy and the weakness of the Malaysian people . They marched, they screamed and they went home after the rally. Listen up Bersih if you want change you are going to have to mean it. And by meaning it I mean you have to be willing to sacrifice your lives for your cause like the Libyan fighters ,you have to be willing to lose a month of your livelihood like the protesters of Tahrir square and then and only then ,when you show such determination and mettle will you be able to force the hand of the EC and achieve your noble cause. Without that, change will never come through street protest. A Bersih protester Thomas chai tweeted "Below this yellow vest there is and idea Mr. Najib and ideas are bulletproof" although that that might be the truth mr chai however ideas that lack power and strength to make them a reality shall remain only as ideas thus making your effort largely futile.

I might be digressing here but i will begrudgingly admit that Bersih has had an effect upon our political situation. NOTE this is not due to to the strength of Bersih but rather the weakness of the leader of BN Najib. His performance while dealing with this crisis has been much like Joe cole's football this season ; appalling. He turned a potentially harmless street protest into his own kryptonite.Had he the wisdom of much greater statesmen he would have let Bersih pass without a mention and let the mob walk peacefully through the streets. Bersih my friends is no Arab spring movement. Najib made the grave mistake of over-estimating the threats to his rule and he tried to rule through fear. Although it is at times an effective tool the crackdown upon the Bersih rally did more harm to his administration than the rally itself ever would. When Najib opposes Bersih which stands for free and fair elections he automatically implies that he himself is opposed to such a concept thus driving a nail in his political coffin further than any dead model or missing 500 million ever will. Would it not be wise to merely allow Bersih to show that he is different from hardliners past as a progressive liberal minded prime minister that malaysians have been craving? Would that not infact help him gain political favour from the public which will eventually lead to more votes in the coming elections? By cracking down upon Bersih he has inadvertently caused the opposition to gain more symphathy votes as people are likely to do so to show their disgust at his weak attempt at tyranny. It is true then that BN is no longer the roman empire it once was under the leadership of Mahathir and Najib's failure to correctly asses the situation is a glaring example of his shortcomings. The crackdown shows that Najib is a coward ,a fool and unforgivably careless as he lets those that would oppose him gain power. Bersih is supposeed to be non- partisan but I am sure it is closely associated with the opposition parties. And when Najib cracked down on them he could in my theory just walked in to a trap.

However that being said the power gained by the opposition is likely minimal as many other factors contribute to ones success in the game of thrones which i will perhaps expand upon later. Mark my words no good will come of this rally. And whatever minimal sucess it had was due to Najibs impotence rather that people power.Najib you fool you could have just let it happen while keeping the peace and nothing would have come of it.

"children can afford to be careless. Women can afford to be careless.But men cannot"
Don vito corleone


Friday, March 27, 2009

Democracy is a stupid thing

Hey guys sorry for nearly and i mean nearly letting this blog die. ON the bright side my marks have improved in the exams. =) SO, anyway back to todays title democracy is a stupid. Well not really but i wrote it being the attention grabbing whore i am.Ok well so it has something to do with the title todays post has. I suppose this will be more light t hearted than usual as i am in a happy mood.So first on the chopping block is every ones favourite son-in-law Khairy Jamaludin.

So mr Khairy Jamaludin was has a sterling record of being the kings of mat cemerlang and mat rempits and now dare i say it UMNO youth chief. Aye mate the son in law is finally one step closer to becoming the prime minister of Malaysia by the age of 40 (bastard stole my ambition). What my problem besides him have an ass for a head? He won with 35 percent of the votes. Now you don't have to be an add maths teacher to tell that it 65 percent voted NOT to have him as their Chief. This is what happens in a 3 way fight the supporters of the other 2 candidates were either to busy bribing ,scratching their balls or whatever godforsaken act that are usually done in the UMNO general assembly. And that bastard Khairy from what i have known from his interviews cant even speak malay better than me a chinese cause he spent a good half of his life in England.

But the most disturbing fact is.... Mr Khir Toyo. Yes he didn't win but he is a known second generation Indonesian. Heck his father is from Indonesia. And the fucker can go around as scream Ketuanan Melayu when he is from Indonesia. Maybe before UMNO ask me to go back to China they should check their party for these pedatang asing who dare question my rights. Let me lay down the facts for you
1. Khir toyo= second generation Indonesian
2. Me= 5 th generation on my mums side and peranakan chinese on my dads
3. Khir toyo= Considered a pure blood Malay and is granted all the wonderfull effects of NEP.
4. Me= Pendatang asing who is constantly reminded that my citizenship is due to
the graciousness of the Bumiputras.
Me= What the fuck.

Next on the chopping blog is mr SINGH is KINGH yes we have all heard this incredibly cheesy and not to mention catchy Bollywood song sung by Snoop Dogg. But now of course a real singh in the Malaysian Parliament has gone and made it his theme song see here. now. Yes this is our parliament. Christ K gangs daily lunch time debates about porn has more decorum and maturity than this.
Good by Badawi thank you for being a spineless flip flop nice guy PM with all your empty promises and deranged son-in-law really i will miss you compared to who is coming next. Oh and yes Najib Razak is now UMNO president i.e Prime minister. Just great. We traded the village fool for a tyrant. In such a bad economical and political crisis who can be happy?

At least he is catching up on some sleep.

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Friday, February 06, 2009

Amanah my ass

Amanah: Sikap bertanggungjawab yang menimbulkan kepercayaan orang lain.

Aye mates. Nothing states it better than our very own moral textbook. Seen and approved of by the very politicians that defy its principal. Aye moral is the most useless stupid boring subject in the world with periods in my school mainly dedicated to finishing our add maths home work.

Barely a year has passed since the "great" march elections...... a dawn of a new age some have said. Others said its was a defining moment in our history. The opposition destroyed BN's 2 thirds majority, gained 5 seats. The once infallible giants of BN were then seen as weak divided corrupt. Then came the "retirement" of PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi then the rise of DPM Najib Razak. Still other bloggers thought surely Najib was too tainted too corrupt to unite the now fragmented BN much less launch a crossover attack.

It was this moment that all eyes turn to a little mining state called Perak. For a year now Bn has taunted that they would only need 3 more seats to gain back government. Infact it seemed much much more possible than Anwars grandiose 30 seat plan to takeover the government. And what can I say? Less than a year of opposition rule and it is already back into Bn's pocket unless of course Pakatan Rakyat can mysteriously find enough funds.........but that is another story.

The PKR MPs have defected so have the independents, Bn now has its majority in the state. There are tears and there are riots. And now the once illustrious leader of Pakatan Anwar Ibrahim whom barely half a year ago proudly proclaimed he himself had enough MP to takeover not just a state but the entire federal government is now silent. The same goes for the res of the opposition. They have been silenced. 11 months of optimism has come to this blow. For an alliance proudly standing for the politics of the new and future they have been soundly defeated by politics of the old world. Where bullshit talks and money walks.

When Anwar Ibrahim was planning his government takeover the Star NST and basically every widely distributed newspaper was vehemently chastising him for being a coward, a low life, a man without any integrity or moral values, calling his very idea of crossing parties "undemocratic" and "irresponsible" and betraying the trust of the rakyat. Of course the opposition using their biggest tool the blogs were widely defending their stand that the government was corrupt, leaderless and above all racist.

The funny thing is and this doesn't happen alot trust on this sort of issues i agree 100 percent with both sides story's. Yes, crossing parties post elections is the most cowardly back boneless morally bankrupt thing you can do as a politician.... and that is saying alot. Unless your party turns out to be neo-Nazis. Its because if the rakyat voted for you because you were a Pakatan or BN you bloody well stay there or resign and stand for re-election for your new party of choice.

Oddly enough now both sides are of course singing a different tune. The government i.e the newspapers are already proclaiming what a good move for the country this is. How really those MPs that had crossed over had done the right thing after all. And the opposition has now gone back to their comfortable pre March 2008 stance which is whine and grind about how just about everything BN has done was racist, unconstitutional, corrupt and stupid.(Not that I disagree with them)

Well, tut tut tut. When will politician ever learn. Never get boring in Malaysia does it? This is bolehland after all. But we must see the future repercussions of this event. It signifies alot in the long term. It is ... as it should seem the rise of Najib Razak UMNO's and BN's true leader. Lets face the man politically has it all . Related to 2 prime ministers by blood and marriage, married to a royalty, insanely rich(by no legal means) and of course he is the grandson of one my heroes and the founder of UMNO and BN Tunku Onn Jafaar. Badawi? pah he is old news. Anwar? For the once future prime minister and current opposition leader he seems eerily quiet about this.

Is this it for Pakatan Rakyat? To be remembered for ever in history as just a small blimp in BNs gigantic dominance of Malaysia's politics. And as for Bn is this finally their big comeback after nearly a year of bad polls and slipping power. Can najib razak unite this once fragmented part back to the political giant it once was.... We shall see....We shall see but for now only time can tell.....


Friday, January 09, 2009

this year with a bang

Life isnt it. Welcome 2009.To hell with 2008.To hell with my 3 month hiatus. Mikey is back. And he is here to stay. You know i started this blog along time ago.(ok fine 3 years ago) to preserve my thoughts. The thoughts of a rather hormonally charged 14 years old with a piss off attitude and oftenly racist/ extreme neo conservative views/ perverseness.

Well now being 3 years older and after the hormones die down what is exactly left of me that made this blog so debated among racist and non racist. Among the morally righteous and the morally ambiguous. Well to be honest i don't really know. Its another attempt to preserve the 17 year old in words and images. Heck one day i might look back and laugh at this or maybe tear. NO doubt the last year of high school will be a crazy one.

But off to more pressing business. The world at its pace has changed a lot since i last left you dear reader. Badawi is off in 2 months. Murderers are taking over the country(allegedly). UMNO general elections are in 3 months. RPK is free.A black man in the white house. Israel is fighting with Palestine again. God the world must be crazy.

And once again the cretins of cyberspace come to my blog and try to stir more racial sentiment in my blog. I have said it many times. And i will say it again. I love my country and god help anyone that stands between the vision that Tunku Jaafar Onn had and me. Because god willing i will flame your balls to hell.And when i am of age and financial security i will go out and do what i dream of. But until then .................

All malaysians are equal and the people i hate are just the people who are selfishly stirring racial sentiment, and dividing the races and compunding our god given right of free speech for their own bigoted ambitions. Just so happens some of those people are malay. So i flame them. So really i am not a racist. I am just a guy that loves my country. And yes i also equally hate those with anti-malay sentiments on my chatbox as much as i hate "hang tuah". So mr malay dont go around threatening people ok? One i beleive violence got our country in to this mess in the first place. You dont me or my friend oging around thretening to beat hang tuah up or the retards taht bother us on the LRT. I beleive assholes exist in all races just as much as i beleive goodmen exist in all races.

So, my apologies for whatever racial sentiments that i myself have made in the past. Look if us the youth fight about race now what is going to happen when we take over the country in the future. Malaysia will be running in a circle. NO progress. Let forget race and not play into the governments ploy. Then truly the Malaysian Malaysia, a kingdom of Heaven will truly exist. Where you are not what you are born but what you make yourself.

Now that done and dusted time for my new year resolutions.....
1. be less of an ass to my parents
2. cut down on the sarcasm to my dad
3. do my utmost best for SPM
4. get 12 a;s for spm
5. be a nicer person in general
6. stop being a bad testimony fo christians
7 cant thing of anymore(just those that will make me a better person in general)
8 set right my spiritual life before i leave for england
9 make this year memorable
10 quit drinking so much(beer belly)
12 get better at guitar
13 be mc for concert

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Sept 16 the big fuss

So yeah.i have been gone for a while.Infact i swore of blogging tills the exams are over.So my blog was put into hiatus but here is something important enough for me to give a short post about.And i think we all guessed what its all about.September the 16th.The takeovers.The arrest.Malaysia day. Ahh it is so the drama.

But of course any government that is facing such an uprising it is hardly suprising that now the UMNO big shot are once again hiding behind their biggest weapon.The ISA. Time after time it has been used and even more frequently in our countrys currently tumultuous times.It is a dark time for Malaysia.A wise men once said those who are in power are often blinded by it.I coulndt agree more. How much bullshit do they think we are going to take?Let take a look shall we.Those in red are my comments

JOHOR BARU: Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said no more arrests are expected under the Internal Security Act (ISA) but it would depend on the situation of public order.OH right i forgot.Its 69' again and there are race riots no?

”We are not making arrests just for the sake of arrests." Oh yeah.You release a reporter after 18 hours.It like saying people dont watch porn to get aroused.

We will not make any more arrests under ISA as long as there is no more disturbance to peace and public order,” he said. RPK and Teresa are communist now are they?

Speaking on the one-day arrest of Sin Chew Daily News reporter Tan Hoon Cheng, who was arrested under the ISA, he said Tan was detained under Section 73(1) of the Act in order to ensure her safety. Then take her into protective custody...Since when was ISA used to protect people?

"He added that police intelligence indicated that there were threats to her life after she reported on Bukit Bendera division Umno chairman Datuk Ahmad Ismail’s allegedly racist remarks." No shit.Arrest the person who reported the fire and not the arsonist.I totally understand that sort of logic.

Asked on the detention of Selangor senior executive councillor Teresa Kok, Syed Hamid said she was arrested due to her comments on mosques and the Azan recently. What did she say again?

"Her comments have created public disorder and problems,” he said Yeah the Seputeh chinese and Malays people must be killing each other now.

and Well men in desperate situation do desperate things.All of this isn't going to help them one bit.Any political anylyst wort 2 cents heck even a sixteen year old kid like me can tell that this is all leading them down the shit hole.Which lead me to my next topic the fabled day of september the 16th. Malaysia day. The supposed Anwar take over.

Anwar Ibrahim once golden boy of UMNO and now their greatest enemy has set the date for him to claim what he thinks is rightfully his.The post of prime minister of Malaysia.Had it not been for the 97' financial crisis he would have long been our Prime minister and under such st ron leader BN would have went on with its long rule.The opposition like most of the times will be unheard off.Anyway as of press time anwar ibrahim has exactly 25 hours to do what he swore he would do.I am not doubting the man.Just saying that it is highly unlikely.But we shall see.

Times and allegiances have changed now.All is needed is 30 seats to tip the scale.But what Anwar chooses to ignore is that by having 30 MPs crossing over he would have totally disrespected the choices and the rights of the residents of 30 constituencys.Now i am no fan of BN staying in power but when you start a regime by disrespecting the views of the people then in my opinion your on the same slippery hill as BN and the only way is down.

And how long does Anwar expect to keep peace and unity? BN is already unstable enough with a 30 seat majority and now Anwar wants to rule with a one seat majority?Dear my now that sounds unstable.But desperate times call for desperate measures eh?

The times have changed in the once mighty and unified BN the first voices of dissent are being heard outside of UMNO Gerakan MIC and MCA have started hitting out on their former bosses.Dissentful they are.But even the great momentum of the Pakatan Rakyat has its own unity flaws. TH ey might be very understanding now but the reason that they have never fought over power is that there was never any to start with.Just like cases where they shared power it all ended in bitter spats. The question is how long can a party divided rule without fighting among themselves?

Meanwhile i shall prepare for my exams might update sparingly if anything importan comes up.But more likely than not majority of my post and when my blog will be taken out from stasis is when coincidentally the UMNO General Assembly starts.And then we will have some fun seeing the squabbling idiotic cowards fight over power..............................Well thats if they have any left


Saturday, August 09, 2008

because my blog is die-ing

hiya.A lil update.I am sorta kinda banned from the comp until the final terms.So yeah dxont expect much.But i am going to australia.ANd dont worry some way some how.I will once again start my merdeka post series.There will be atleast 4 i swear it.


Monday, July 07, 2008

I am so skrewed

Oh yes Parents teachers meet is coming.And i am so skrewed.So just in case my semi- internet beand becomes permanent here is my post just to warn you guys.I will blog about parents teachers meet if id o survive it.Lucky my mum aint coming.Seeya.
currently in deep shit


all rights are not reserved but if u rip anything of without my permission i will have to sexyfy u and u dont want that. TM MiKe.2007.LTD